2022 County General Election
The general election is near. Church Voter Guides has released Voter Guides by party to assist in helping the Candidates communicate in their own words to the citizens of Hamilton County. The Candidates are seeking the following offices that include, Circuit Court Judge Div. 2, Criminal Court Judge Div. 3, General Sessions Court Judge Div. 3, County Commissions, County Mayor, County School Boards, District Attorney and Sheriff.
Note: The City of East Ridge has a Municipal Election for East Ridge Judge, this will only be on ballots for citizens living in the city limits of East Ridge.
Voter Guides for Hamilton County 2022 County General
Thank You to all the candidates, Republican and Democrat and independents, who took the time to answer our detailed questions! We (literally) couldn’t have done it without you!
PDF VIEW/DOWNLOAD: 2022 Hamilton County General Voter Guides!
Last Updated 07/02/2022
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